Friday, December 17, 2010

Automated License Checks

The Full Cycle - From Modules to Automated License Checks

Here is how it all works together to automatically extract and apply licensing information and conduct license violation checks on the fly:


來源 : ZDNet


1. 具功能性且適用於工作: 在基層工作方面,軟體的基本功能就是讓使用者可以順利完成任務,如果連這點都做不到,那麼軟體就失去存在的意義。

2. 涵蓋商業流程領域: 企業軟體應可以自動處理特定商業流程,像是CRM、會計等等。好的企業軟體必須能提供全方位且自動化的流程處理。

3. 絕佳的使用者介面: 最好的軟體就是讓用戶可以很快了解並上手,並且容易導入。如果無法達到此要求,那麼這個軟體就沒有吸引力了。

4. 感覺良好的魔力: 千萬不要輕忽感覺的影響力,這是另一項評量使用者是否滿意的指標。通常失敗的案子,在感覺良好的得分都是0

5. 激烈的競爭: 創新是需要競爭及要求來激發的。如果沒有競爭的壓力,根本無法設計出具吸引力的企業軟體。

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hudson 一定要裝的 10 個 plugin

Hudson 是一個做 build 的工具,提升 code 的 quality 與 code 的除錯效率。除了本身的功能外,還提供 plugin 的 API 讓許多 plugin 可以用

在此舉出最多人用的 10 個 plugin

The Violations plugin

The Violations plugin is a one-stop-shop for code quality metrics. It supports the principal Java code quality tools: checksytle, pmd, cpd, findbugs, and simian, plus a few others.

Use this plugin to keep track of how your code quality metrics are doing over time, or to review various code quality metrics for a particular build. You can even force a build to fail if there are too many violations. If you do this, just be careful not to interrupt the developer flow too much. For example, you might set up a special QA build (run every night or every hour, for example), that will fail if the QA metrics aren't up to scratch.

The only catch is that you have to integrate the code quality metrics (checkstyle, PMD, Findbugs, or whatever) into your builds. If you are creating new build scripts, you should of course be doing this anyway, but it can be more of a challenge for large legacy code bases.

The Clover plugin

Clover is a kick-ass code coverage tool if there ever was one, and the Hudson Clover plugin is an excellent complement to the tool. The Clover plugin is unique: it lets you add code coverage to (most) existing Ant builds without having to change the build file. This is great for legacy projects. It also lets you generate aggregate coverage statistics on multi-module Maven projects.

If you don't have Clover, all is not lost - the Coberturaand Emma plugins do a great job too, though you do have to set up the code quality metrics in your project yourself first.

The Parameterized Trigger plugin

The Parameterized Trigger plugin lets you add parameters to your build jobs that users enter when they kick off a build. This comes in handy for release or deployment automation, for example, where you want to enter the version number or label you want to release or deploy. You can also get your build job pass these parameters on to other parameterized build jobs.

The Sonar plugin

The Sonar plugin makes it trivial to integrate your projects with Sonar. Sonar is a powerful open source code quality metrics reporting tool, which displays code quality metrics for multiple projects in a variety of ways on a web site.

The Sonar Hudson plugin is magic. It lets you integrate your existing Maven projects into Sonar, with no modifications to the projects. It even works for Ant projects, though there is some configuration to do in this case.

The VMware plugin

The VMWare plugin lets you start up a VMWare virtual machine before a build, and shut it down afterwards. This is excellent for functional or web tests on different platforms.

The Amazon EC2 plugin

The Amazon EC2 plugin lets you start up Hudson slaves an EC2 instance on demand, and then shut them down when they are no longer required. Again, this is great for cross-platform tests, but also for load tests, or periods when you need to expand your CI capacity greatly for a short period of time (just before major releases, for example).

The Setenv plugin

The The Setenv plugin lets you set environment variables for a particular build job. These environment variables are available to any sort of build job, be it Freestyle, Maven, Shell, or whatever. Many build scripts use environment variables for a variety of purposes, and this plugin makes it much easier to integrate these projects into Hudson.

Sectioned View plugin

The Sectioned View Plugin lets you break your job views into sections, such as 'Test Results' and 'Job Graphs'.

The Radiator View plugin

The Radiator View Plugin lets you display the build status for your projects in a format that is easy to see from a distance. Set this up on a large LCD screen visible to all.

The Hudson Helper iPhone app

And finally, the Hudson Helper iPhone app. This is a neat little iPhone app that lets you monitor your builds via your iPhone. Don't leave home without it!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

如何取得經過 Apache 2 Proxy 處理過的 real IP

IP 不夠用已經是一個當前公司要面對的問題,但其實是可以透過 domain name + proxy 的方式,讓server 將 http request 送給相對應的 server 做處理。這個方式統稱叫 Proxy,其中最有名又免費的就是 Apache Proxy

若要安裝此 Apache Proxy , 可以用下列指令先安裝
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http

然後再指定 module 的內容如下
ProxyPass         /hudson  http://localhost:8081/hudson
ProxyPassReverse /hudson http://localhost:8081/hudson
ProxyRequests Off

# Local reverse proxy authorization override
# Most unix distribution deny proxy by default (ie /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.conf in Ubuntu)

Order deny,allow
Allow from all

但此時內部 server 透過 api 拿到的 ip 都會是此 proxy server 的 IP 。若要拿到 real IP 則需要透過 http header 拿,這些 header 如下

The IP address of the client.

The original host requested by the client in the Host HTTP request header.

The hostname of the proxy server.

不過這個要 server 端的 code 必須偵測並加上這些 API 才能取得

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Disable X-server in Ubuntu 10.10

若要 Ubuntu Server 安裝完 Desktop 後開機還是進入 commnad line ,必須用以下步驟做更改,無法用設定的方式

1. 更改 /etc/default/grub 將 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" 改成 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="text"
2. sudo update-grub
3. sudo reboot

這樣就可以讓 Ubuntu Server 進入 command line, 需要的時候再用 startx 進入 desktop

Install Sun JDK into Ubuntu 10.10

自從 Sun 被 Oracle 買走後,JDK 就開始弱掉了,連 Ubuntu 都以 Open JDK 取代 Sun 的 JDK.
若要安裝 Sun 的 JDK,則要有另外的步驟安裝

1. 先增加 partner 的 repository
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository "deb maverick partner"

2. 安裝 jdk
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin

若要將預設的 jdk 換成 sun 的,就用
sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Java Build Server

今天在 theserverside 發現一篇有去的 article

這份 article 在講解如何去建立一個 build server ,讓程式開發可以自動化做 build 與 Test ,減少人工的浪費。

目前 build tool 中比較 popular 的有 luntbuild, hudson, apache continuum ,此 article 建議用 luntbuild ,個人用過 luntbuild ,比較起來 luntbuild 太基本,必須用 professional 才能滿足比較大的需求。hudson 最近研究過,發現此 build tool 可以支援 plugin 功能,大大的增加其運用彈性,在此建議此 build tool 。continuum 也是比較基本的 build tool

build tool 已經漸漸的變成軟體開發的一環,須要建立起來才能有效控管軟體的 productivity and Quality

Saturday, July 24, 2010

好看的 Web Chart

最近找到一個用 Flash 做,可以在 Web 上展現圖表 (Chart) 功能的網站。
去試了一下 live demo ,感覺對一般在 Web 做 Chart 的已經夠用。
目前此網站提供 Free 版本,可以讓有興趣的人先試用

跟 Jfreechart 比起來,這個算是在 User Interface 上有滿大的差異,功能上能夠做到比較 Fancy 的圖表。這個版本目前也支援 JQuery Plugin 的方式讓 developer 使用

看一下 demo site ,

這個是屬於進階的功能,若時間允許,再加入此功能。但若是比較急,直接用 Jfreechart 會比較快

Sunday, July 18, 2010

JQuery Plugin 的妙用

前幾天因為 project 的關係,用了一個 plugin 做動畫

這個可以用很簡單的幾個指令就可以將圖片 3D 化,但這個還是需要一些美工的修飾才能perfect

透過 JQuery ,可以將一些需要花大量人力的 javascript 變成一個 library 並可以很快的 apply 到任何的 html 上,這個才真的是 JQuery 真正的用處

下次再介紹幾個好用的 JQuery 分享

Sunday, July 4, 2010

如何裝完 Ubuntu 後再裝 Windows 7

當你裝完 Windows 7 後,一開機會發現以錢裝的 Ubuntu 系統不見了,boot 的選單不知所去
那是因為 Windows 7 會蓋掉 Grub 的設定。要恢復 Ubuntu 之前的設定必須手動修改 boot 的設定以便恢復 boot 選單

1. 用 Ubuntu 10.04 CD 開機
2. 輸入 fdisk -l 以確認每個分區的分配情況
3. sudo -i
4. mount /dev/sda3 /mnt (mount 根目錄)
5. mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot (mount boot 目錄)
6. grub-install -root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda

重開機後便會看到原來 grub 2 的選單了

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



1. 你有使用原始碼控制系統嗎?
我使用過一些商用原始檔控制系統(source control packages),也用過免費的CVS,所以我可以告訴你CVS相當不錯!如果你沒有原始碼控制系統,一旦需要與程式設計人員合作就相當麻煩了。因為程式設計人員無法知道其他人做了什麼,也無法輕易回復成出錯前的狀態。而且原始碼控制系統還有另一個優點,就是原始碼會被簽出(check out)到每位程式設計人員的硬碟裡。我還沒看過哪個用了原始碼控制的專案會遺失大量程式的。

2. 你能用一個步驟建出所有結果嗎?



3. 你有進行每日編譯嗎?
在使用原始碼控制工具時,有時程式設計人員會不慎提交(check in)某些內容而導致編譯失敗。舉例來說,某人新增了一個原始檔,整個程式在他的機器上都能正常編譯,可是卻忘記把新增的原始檔加到原始碼控制程式庫中。結果這位仁兄非常健忘且愉快地鎖上機器回家了,導致其他人無法做事,也只好很不爽地回家。



4. 你有沒有問題(bug)資料庫?


● 重現問題的完整步驟。

● 應該看到的行為。

● 實際看到的(有問題的)行為。

● 被指派的負責人。

● 是否已修正。


5. 你會先把問題都修好之後,才寫新的程式嗎?
古早第一版的Microsoft Word for Windows被視為「死亡行軍」型的專案。進度一直處在落後的情況。整個團隊的工作時間長得離譜,專案卻一延再延三延,大家都承受無比的壓力。拖了幾年後,那個鬼東西終於上市了,微軟就把整個團隊送到Cancun(墨西哥著名海灘)渡假,然後再坐下來做深度反省。

他們發現產品經理過度堅持要維持「進度」,而程式設計人員只能匆匆經過編碼階段。而且正式的時程並未包含錯誤修正這個階段,於是寫出的程式碼非常糟糕。此外,也沒有人試圖要減少問題數量,而事實剛好相反!有位程式設計人員要寫支程式以計算一行文字的高度,結果他只寫了「return 12;」,並等問題報告出爐指出這個函數功能不對。於是,時程表變成一份等著被轉換成問題的功能列表,事後檢討時則稱之為「無窮錯誤法(Infinite defects methodology)」。

為了修正這個問題,微軟全面採用所謂的「零錯誤作法(Zero defects methodology)」。公司裡很多程式設計人員聽了都不禁竊笑,因為感覺就像是管理階層認為能用行政命令降低錯誤數量一樣。實際上,「零錯誤」是指無論何時都要先修正錯誤才能寫新程式。原因如下:




這就是要立即修正問題的理由之一,因為這樣做能少花點時間。另一個理由是,寫新程式的時間遠比修正現有錯誤的時間容易估計。舉例來說,如果要你估計寫串列排序的程式需時多久,你應該能估算得相當準確;但假如你的程式在裝了Internet Explorer 5.5之後有問題,要估計需要多久才能修好,恐怕用猜的都猜不出來,因為你不知道(當然不知道)問題點在哪裡。要找出問題可能就要花上三天,但也可能兩分鐘內解決。



6. 你有一份最新的時程表嗎?


擁有時程的另一個重點是,可以強迫自己決定要製作哪些功能,並剔除最不重要的功能,以避免功能過度膨脹(featuritis,又名scope creep)。

7. 你有寫規格嗎?




8. 程式設計人員有沒有安靜的工作環境?

其中的原理如下。我們都知道知識工作者進入「沉浸狀態」(flow,也稱作in the zone)時,工作效果是最佳的。這時他們會完全與環境脫離,全心專注在工作上。他們忘記時間並絕對專注地產出極佳成果。他們所有豐富的產出也都是在這個時候完成的。作家、程式設計人員、科學家,甚至是籃球員都會告訴你進入「沉浸」的情形。






9. 你有沒有用市面上最好的工具?
用編譯式語言撰寫程式得花一些時間進行編譯,可說是一般家用電腦還無法瞬間完成的事情之一。如果你的編譯過程超過幾秒,去找台最新、最棒的電腦可以替你省點時間;如果編譯需要超過15 秒,程式設計人員覺得無聊就會跑去看線上新聞 The Onion,然後陷在裡面耗掉幾個鐘頭的產能。

在單螢幕系統上替 GUI程式除錯並非絕不可能,但用起來很痛苦。當你在撰寫GUI程式時,或許使用兩台螢幕會讓你輕鬆許多。


在我的前一家公司,系統管理員會一直傳送自動發送的垃圾信給我,抱怨我在伺服器上使用了超過「 220 MB」的硬碟空間。依據現在硬碟的價格,這點空間的費用還遠不及我所用的衛生紙。即使只花10分鐘清理目錄,也是產能的極大浪費。



10. 你有沒有測試人員?
如果你的團隊沒有專門的測試人員(至少每兩到三個程式設計人員要配一名),就可能會推出問題很多的產品,不然就是浪費錢,像是讓時薪 100美元的程式設計人員去做測試員(時薪 30美元)做的事。省下測試員的錢並不是真正的節省,這是非常明顯的道理,但我實在很驚訝很多人卻還認不清這一點。

11. 是否在面試時要求面試的對象試寫程式?



12. 是否進行走廊使用性測試?
「走廊使用性測試(Hallway usability)」是指在走廊攔住下一位經過的人,然後逼他試用你剛寫好的程式。如果能攔下五個人並且試用完成,就可以發現程式中95%應注意的使用性問題。


不過,處理使用者介面有一點最重要:如果你把程式展示給少數幾個人看(事實上,只要五或六個就夠了),就能快速地發現一般人會遇到的主要問題。在Jakob Nielsen的文章中有解釋原因。即使你的UI設計技巧不足,只要強硬逼自己實行不花太多時間的走廊使用性測試,就會讓你的UI水準大幅提昇。(摘錄整理自第三章)

從2000年8月約耳測試問世以來,世界各地的開發人員寄了很多電子郵件來告知他們組織的分數。雖然測試結果的分佈相當平均,但大部分的回覆分數都 介約2或3之間。



如果你發現自己花太多時間在安裝及設置龐大的軟體方法系統、或命名「視覺化XXXX企業架構師」的軟體、甚至是在極致軟體製程開發和UML間反覆來回對團隊進行再教育,直到他們在開發軟體時,只會一直把頭轉來轉去不知所措 ,即使這份約耳測試成績再好,終究還是問題纏身。(摘錄整理自第三章)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Java performance Issue

今天在 TheServeside 看一到一篇文章,剛好是我的專長,也讓我多知道一些有關 Java Performance 的偵測方式

其中最常發生的應該是 Database Call。我常常看到 Developer 寫 code 時,因為沒經驗的關係,把兩個 table 的資料放在 Loop 裡面寫,造成多餘的 Database Call

舉例而言, 要找出 product 的 vendor ,有經驗的 Developer 會用 join 的方式一次 Query 就將 Data 一次取出,但沒經驗的就會先取出所有 Product 後再 loop product 再取出 vendor。這個是所有沒經驗的 Developer 會做的事。所以只要出個類似的題目給 Developer 就可以看出程度如何了。

以下是從 TheServerSide 貼過來了,供大家參考

Top 10 Performance Problems taken from Zappos, Monster, Thomson and Co

by Andreas Grabner, Jun 15, 10

For a recent edition of the Swiss Computerworld Magazine we listed our Top 10 Performance Problems as we have seen them over the years when working with our clients. I hope this list is enlightening – and I’ve included follow-up links to the blogs to help better understand how to solve these problems:

#1: Too Many Database Calls

The problem we see the most are too many database query per request/transaction. There are 3 specific phenomena to witness

  1. More data is requested is than actually required in the context of the current transaction, e.g.: requesting all account information instead of those that we need to display on the current screen.
  2. The same data is requested multiple times. This usually happens when different components involved in the same transaction act independently from one another and each requests the same set of data. It is unknown what type of data has already been loaded in the current context so we end up with the same queries multiple times.
  3. Multiple queries are executed to retrieve a certain set of data. This is often a result of not taken full advantage of complex SQL statements or stored procedures to retrieve the data in one batch.

Further Reading: Blog on Linq2Sql Performance Issues on Database, Video on Performance Anti-Patterns

#2: Synchronized to Death

There is no question that synchronization is necessary to protect shared data in an application. Too often developers make the mistake to over-synchronize, e.g.: excessively-large code sequences are synchronized. Under low load (on the local developers workstation) performance won’t be a problem. In a high-load or production environment over-synchronization results in severe performance and scalability problems.

Further Reading: How to identify synchronization problems under load

#3: Too chatty on the remoting channels

Many libraries out there make remote communication seem like a piece of cake. There is hardly any difference for the developer to call a local vs. remote method. The lack of understanding of what is really going on under the remoting-hood makes people forget about things like latency, serialization, network traffic and memory usage that come with every remoting call. The easy way of using these technologies results in too many calls across these remoting boundaries and in the end causes performance and scalability problems.

Further Reading: Performance Considerations in Distributed Applications

#4: Wrong usage of O/R-Mappers

Object-Relational Mappers take a big burden off developers’ shoulders – loading and persisting objects in the database. As with any framework there usually are many configuration options to optimize the usage of the O/R Mapper for current application use cases. Faulty settings and incorrect usage of the framework itself too often results in unexpected performance and scalability problems within these frameworks. Make sure you make yourself familiar with all options and learn about the internals of these libraries that you rely on.

Further Reads: Understanding Hibernate Session Cache, Understanding the Query Cache, Understanding the Second Level Cache

#5: Memory Leaks

Managed runtime environments such as Java and .NET have the advantage of helping with memory management by offering Garbage Collectors. A GC, however, does not prevent memory leaks. Objects that are “forgotten” will stick around in memory and ultimately lead to a memory leak that may cause an OutOfMemoryException. It is important to release object references as soon as they are no longer needed.

Further Read: Understanding and finding Memory Leaks

#6: Problematic 3rd Party Code/Components

Nobody is writing all of the functionality of a new application on their own. We use existing 3rd party libraries to speed up our development process. Not only do we speed up our output – but we also increase performance risks introduced by these components. Even though most frameworks are well documented and have been thoroughly tested, there is no guarantee that these frameworks run as expected in every use case they are included. 3rd party code is often used incorrectly or in ways that have not been tested. It is therefore important to make an in-depth check of every framework before introducing it into your code.

Further Read: Top SharePoint Performance Mistakes

#7: Wasteful handling of scarce resources

Resources such as memory, CPU, I/O or the database are scarce. Wasteful handling of these resources results in lack of access to these resources by others and ultimately leads to performance and scalability issues. A good example: database connections that are kept open for too long. Connections must only be used for the time period they are really needed, e.g.: for a query – and then returned to the connection pool. We often see that connections are requested early on in the request handler and are not released until the very end which leads to a classic bottleneck situation.

Further Read: Resource Leak detection in .NET Applications

#8: Bloated web frontends

Thanks to high-speed web access many users have a better end-user experience in the World Wide Web. The downside of this trend is that many applications get packed with too much stuff – they become bloated – which ultimately leads to bad browsing behavior. Particularly users that do not yet have high-speed internet access suffer the most. Too many images that are too large; failure to use or incorrect usage of the browser cache; or overly-aggressive usage of JavaScript/AJAX – all result in performance problems in the browser. Following the existing Best Practices on Web Site Performance Optimization can solve most of these problems:

Further Read: How Better Caching would help speed up Frankfurt Airport Web Site

#9: Wrong Cache Strategy leads to excessive Garbage Collection

Caching objects in memory to avoid constant roundtrips to the database is one way to boost performance. Caching too many objects – or objects that are hardly ever used quickly changes the advantage of caching into a disadvantage due to higher memory usage and increased GC activity. Before implementing a caching strategy you have to figure out which objects to cache and which objects not to cache in order to avoid these types of performance and scalability problems:

Further Reads: Java Memory Problems, Identify GC Bottlenecks in Distributed Applications

#10: Intermittent Problems

Intermittent problems are hard to find. These are usually problems that occur with specific input parameters or only happen under certain load conditions. Full test coverage – functional as well as load and performance coverage – will uncover most of these problems early on before they become real problems for real users.

Further Reads: Tracing Intermittent Errors by Lucy Monahan from Novell, How to find invisible performance problems

(Bonus Problem) #11: Expensive Serialization

With remoting communication – such as Web Services, RMI or WCF – objects need to serialized by the caller in order to be transferred over the network. The callee on the other side needs to de-serialize the object before it can be used. Transformation therefore happens on both sides of the call resulting in some overhead while doing so. It is important to understand what type of serialization is required by both ends and what the optimal choice of serialization and transport type is. Different types of serialization have a different impact on performance, scalability, memory usage and network traffic.

Further Read: Performance Considerations in Distributed Applications

Monday, June 14, 2010

Blogger 被 China 封鎖

這個 Blogger Server 是屬於 Google 的,但不幸的,當你在 China 工作時,此 Blogger 是被封鎖住的。唯有透過 VPN 的方式連到其他國家才能將自己的心得寫到此 Blogger 上


Thursday, February 18, 2010

HTTP Session Monitor

開發 web application 時,若要管控所有的 session ,自己寫可能要花一段時間,不如試試看

這個工具可以監控目前有多少人 login ,session 的狀況。目前我試過後,此版本可以

1. 送 message 給所有人,立即提醒 User 系統將會做甚麼事
2. 將特定 User 的 session 斷掉,讓此 user 重新 login
3. 直接整合到 J2EE 的環境,整合程度好

若需要這個 package 的可以試試看,因為用的是 BSD license ,所以可以用在 commercial 上

FreeNX, 好用的 Linux 遠端遙控軟體

以前常常用 StarWin 去連 Linux 或用 VNC 去連 Linux ,但總是覺得不順,透過以下的 URL 找到一個 solution ,看起來實在方便

經測試後,的確方便很多。利用 window client 就可以連到 Linux 開啟 X-Session ,執行一些需要 GUI 才能執行的東西。最重要的是,只需要透過 SSH 就可以用,不用開一堆 port,而且中間還有加密功能,在安全性也做得很好,推薦各位使用

Thursday, February 11, 2010



1. 要準備紅包
2. 要購買新的家具或生活用品
3. 總是要在牌桌上廝殺一番,還是需要錢


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oracle + Sun = ?

經過了一番坡折,Sun 賣給了 Oracle,但這代表著,Sun 不見了,Oracle 是否會持續對 Java 投資呢,這個可要憂慮了。

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ubuntu 上的 email server 與 antivirus


在 Ubuntu 910 安裝 Postfix (as gateway) + MailScanner + ClamAV + Spamassassin


OS: Ubuntu 910

Mail Gateway: Postfix + MailScanner + ClamAV + Spamassassin

Internal Mail Server: Exchange Server, 內部 IP 為:

postfix 2.6.5

MailScanner 4.74

Spamassassin 3.2.5

ClamAV 0.95.3

Primary MX: IN MX (MX 記錄指向 Mail Gateway)

安裝好Ubuntu 9.10,測試網路正常後進行安裝。



sudo apt-get update

安裝 Postfix, Procmail並將 Postfix 設定成 Mail Gateway

sudo apt-get install postfix procmail


安裝完postfix之後先將postfix 服務停止。

sudo /etc/init.d/postfix stop


sudo gedit /etc/postfix/


smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name

biff = no

append_dot_mydomain = no

# TLS parameters

smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem

smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key

smtpd_use_tls = yes

smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtpd_scache

smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtp_scache

myhostname =

mydomain =

myorigin = $mydomain

mydestination = $mydomain, localhost.$mydomain, localhost,

local_recipient_maps =(空白)

networks_style = host

relay_domain =

mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION"

transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

append_at_myorigin = no

header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks

message_size_limit = 25240000

bounce_size_limit = 100000

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks reject_unauth_destination

mynetworks =

default_process_limit = 30

daemon_timeout = 1800s


sudo gedit /etc/postfix/transport

----設定檔內容----------------------------------------------------- smtp:[]


sudo postmap /etc/postfix/transport

sudo /etc/init.d/postfix start

修改 NAT 配置, 將 tcp 25 指向 postfix_host:25。

從外部寄郵件到, 觀察 postfix 是否能 forward 給真正的 mail server (。

telnet 到 mail gateway 進行測試

安裝 MailScanner, ClamAV、Spamassassin,在這邊以往要安裝三個套件,現在只要安裝MailScanner就會自動安裝ClamAV及Spamassassin.

sudo apt-get install mailscanner à下完這個命令要檢查是否有安裝ClamAV及Spamassassin


sudo apt-get install mailscanner clamav spamassassin

ClamAV 不需要設定就會正常工作。


sudo gedit /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf


Run As User = postfix
Run As Group = postfix
Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/postfix/hold
Outgoing Queue Dir = /var/spool/postfix/incoming
MTA = postfix

Virus Scanning = yes
Virus Scanners = clamav
Use SpamAssassin = yes
SpamAssassin User State Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/spamassassin

Sign Clean Message = no (不要在每一封有掃過的信件加註 “This message has been scanned…”)


新增一個目錄spamassassin在 /var/spool/MailScanner/之下

sudo mkdir /var/spool/MailScanner/spamassassin

新增一個目錄smtp_sccache在 /var/spool/postfix/之下

sudo mkdir /var/spool/postfix/smtp_sccache


sudo chown postfix:postfix /var/spool/MailScanner/*

sudo chown postfix:postfix /var/spool/ postfix/smtp_sccache

在/etc/postfix/ 下新增一個檔案 header_checks

sudo gedit /etc/postfix/header_checks


/^Received:/ HOLD



sudo gedit /etc/default/mailscanner


run_mailscanner=1 (=0要改成=1)



sudo gedit /etc/default/pamassassin


ENABLED=1 (=0要改成=1)


上面兩個設定一定要做,要不然MailScanner 和 Spamassassin會無法啟動


sudo cp /etc/service /var/spool/postfix/etc

將service 啟動

sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-deamon start

sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam start

sudo /etc/init.d/spamassassin start

sudo /etc/init.d/mailscanner start

sudo postmap /etc/postfix/transport

sudo /etc/init.d/postfix start

修改 NAT 配置, 將 tcp 25 指向 postfix_host:25。

從外部寄郵件到, 觀察 postfix 是否能 forward 給真正的 mail server (。

telnet 到 mail gateway 進行測試